President cartoon, President comic, Chairman cartoon, funny director comic, CEO cartoon, director cartoon, boardroom cartoon, boardroom meeting comic

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License A – £15.00 – Company/Organisation Internal use for any purpose.
License B – £25.00 – Company/Organisation External use for any purpose.
License C – £35.00 – Publishers – Up to 10,000 copies and electronic use.
License D – £60.00 – Publishers – 10,001 – 100,000 copies & electronic use.
License E – £80.00 – Publishers – Over 100,000 copies and electronic use.
License F – £5.00   – Education (School/College) & Private use inc. Blogs.

All Licenses are for an unlimited time. The MORRIS watermark will be removed from the cartoon.
The cartoon is supplied in JPEG format at 300dpi resolution (size 12cms x 9.5 cms or 5″ x 4″)